♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ परम पिता परमात्मा कण कण तिम्रो बास, गर्ने गराउने प्रभु तिमी सब कुछ तिम्रो साथ । अंग संग देखी तिमीलाई अवतार गर्छ अरदास, राजाको अधिराज तिमी म दासको पनि दास । ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ तूही निरंकार... मेँ तेरी शरणाँ... मैनु बख्श लो....... While receiving God-Knowledge, a seeker pledges to follow five principles given as: 1. One should consider all one's worldly assets - physical, mental and material as ultimately belonging to God and one may utilized them as a trustee and should not be proud of these possessions. 2. One should not feel proud of one's religion, caste, colour and creed as also the status (Ashram); one should love every one as a fellow human being. 3. One should not hate or criticize others on account of their diet and dress which may be different from his or her own. 4. One must not leave one's hearth and home, become recluse or ascetic and be a burden on others; one must earn one's own livelihood through honest hard work and fulfil one's responsibilities as a family person. 5. One must not divulge to others the divine knowledge as revealed by the True Master, without a word from him. This will save him or her from the pride of being in possession of God-Knowledge.

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Saturday, June 04, 2011

The facts about the earth

  1. The estimated age of the Earth is 1 billion 60 million years.
  2. The area of the surface of the Earth is 510 million square kilometers approximately.
  3. The area of the land (29.08%) is 149 million square kilometers.
  4. The area covered with water (70.92%) is 361 million square km.
  5. The approximate weight of the Earth is 5.9 X 10^21 tons.
  6. The volume of the Earth is 1 trillion 83 billion cubic kilometer.
  7. The density of the Earth is 5.5. times of that of water.
  8. The equinoctial circumference of the Earth is 40077 kilometer.
  9. The polar diameter is 12714 Km.
  10. The approximate distance from the Sun is 148 million 800 thousand kilometer.
  11. The approximate distance from the Moon is 384 thousand kilometer.
  12. The highest point of the Earth is the summit of Everest which is 8848 meters high from the sea-level.
  13. The speed of the revolution of the Earth around the Sun is 107220 km/hr.
  14. The speed of the rotation on its axis is 1670 km/hr.
  15. The Earth completes one round of the revolution in 365 days 5 hours 48 minutes and 45 seconds.
  16. The Earth rotates once in 23 hours 56 minutes and 4 seconds.

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