♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ परम पिता परमात्मा कण कण तिम्रो बास, गर्ने गराउने प्रभु तिमी सब कुछ तिम्रो साथ । अंग संग देखी तिमीलाई अवतार गर्छ अरदास, राजाको अधिराज तिमी म दासको पनि दास । ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ तूही निरंकार... मेँ तेरी शरणाँ... मैनु बख्श लो....... While receiving God-Knowledge, a seeker pledges to follow five principles given as: 1. One should consider all one's worldly assets - physical, mental and material as ultimately belonging to God and one may utilized them as a trustee and should not be proud of these possessions. 2. One should not feel proud of one's religion, caste, colour and creed as also the status (Ashram); one should love every one as a fellow human being. 3. One should not hate or criticize others on account of their diet and dress which may be different from his or her own. 4. One must not leave one's hearth and home, become recluse or ascetic and be a burden on others; one must earn one's own livelihood through honest hard work and fulfil one's responsibilities as a family person. 5. One must not divulge to others the divine knowledge as revealed by the True Master, without a word from him. This will save him or her from the pride of being in possession of God-Knowledge.

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Thursday, August 05, 2010

The World's Toughest "Explorer" Puzzle

Here, in the middle of this confounded desert, is the lost city of Ishtar. To reach it I will have to travel overland by foot from the coast. On a trek like this each man can only carry enough rations for five days and I calculate that the farthest we can travel in one day is 30 miles. The map that I obtained states that the city is 120 miles from my starting point. What I am trying to figure out is the fewest number of men, including myself, that I will need in our party so that I alone can reach the city, stay over night, and then return to the coast without running out of supplies.

Can you discover the answer to this mystery?

1 comment:

  1. Our intrepid explorer will need three other men in his party to accomplish his mission. Here's how the marching orders will go:

    4 men X 5 day's ration = 20 day's rations

    First day - Four day's rations are used up. One man goes back using one day's ration for the return trip.
    Second day - Remaining three men use up three day's rations. One man goes back using two day's rations for the return trip.
    Third day - Remaining two men use up two day's rations. One man goes back using three day's rations for the return trip.
    Fourth day - Remaining man uses up one day's rations. He reaches city and stays the night. The next day he returns to coast using up four day's rations.
