♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ परम पिता परमात्मा कण कण तिम्रो बास, गर्ने गराउने प्रभु तिमी सब कुछ तिम्रो साथ । अंग संग देखी तिमीलाई अवतार गर्छ अरदास, राजाको अधिराज तिमी म दासको पनि दास । ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ तूही निरंकार... मेँ तेरी शरणाँ... मैनु बख्श लो....... While receiving God-Knowledge, a seeker pledges to follow five principles given as: 1. One should consider all one's worldly assets - physical, mental and material as ultimately belonging to God and one may utilized them as a trustee and should not be proud of these possessions. 2. One should not feel proud of one's religion, caste, colour and creed as also the status (Ashram); one should love every one as a fellow human being. 3. One should not hate or criticize others on account of their diet and dress which may be different from his or her own. 4. One must not leave one's hearth and home, become recluse or ascetic and be a burden on others; one must earn one's own livelihood through honest hard work and fulfil one's responsibilities as a family person. 5. One must not divulge to others the divine knowledge as revealed by the True Master, without a word from him. This will save him or her from the pride of being in possession of God-Knowledge.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011


1. What is more when we see less?
   - Darkness

2. Why do witches ride on brooms?
   - Because vacuum cleaners are too heavy.

3. Which is the laziest mountain in the world?
   - Mt. Ever-rest

4. When do elephants have 8 legs?
   - When there are two of them.

5. What is the similarity between wife and life?
   - You can't leave them easily.

6. Why are film stars so cool?
   - Because they have varieties of fans.

7. Why is letter 'e' called the dead letter?
   - Because it comes at the end of the 'life'.

8. Why do cows wear bells?
   - Because their horns don't work.

9. Why do people need wife?
   - Because everything that goes wrong cannot be blamed to the government.

10. When is a dog most likely to enter a house?
   - When the door is open.

11. What is it that will not cry out if you strike it?
   - Match

12. Whom do people gaze at with open mouth?
   - Dentist

13. Can you add figures to 19 and make it less than 20?
   - 19 and 1/2

14. What goes up and down but never moves?
   - Temperature

15. If six children and two dogs were under an umbrella, how none of them got wet?
   - Because it wasn't raining

16. If cows talked at once, what would they say?
   - Nothing, because cows can't talk.

17. Do you say, "Nine and five is thirteen," or "Nine and five are thirteen"?
   - Neither, because nine and five is fourteen.

18. What is the longes word in the dictionary?
   - 'Smiles': there's mile between the first and last letter

19. Why did Robin Hood only rob the rich?
   - Because the poor had no money

20. What is everyone in the world doing at the same time?
   - Growing older.

21. What does a polite mouse always say?
   - Cheese and thank you

22. What do you sever, but never eat?
   - A tennis ball

23. What's the difference between 'here' and 'there'?
   - The letter 't'

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