- The Sant Nirankari Mission is a systematic way of life based on devotion to God after knowing the Formless One.
- The Mission endeavours to establish Universal Brotherhood through granting the perception of the Supreme Father, God, in every human being.
- The Formless God is the sole Creator, Nurturer and Destroyer of this visible universe and He is worth Knowing.
- The Sant Nirankari Mission is convinced that it is only through God-realization that the fulfillment of human life is achieved.
- The one who reveals the Eternal Truth i.e. God, is the True Master (Satguru); and the one who after perceiving the Formless God - Nirankar in every particle of the universe remembers Him all the time everywhere in all circumstances, remains in the company of saints and dedicates oneself to the service of humanity, is a Nirankar.